Currently in its first run, "Wormhole" is a genre-mixing comedy series written and illustrated by John Rioux. The series focuses on a group of five socially confused High Schoolers who suddenly find themselves in the middle of a science-fiction plot that could endanger the entire universe. "Leading" the group is Stan London, a sixteen-year-old struggling to find his place in society. However, social status, he realizes, hardly matters when the world is threatened by giant teleporting robots.
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Pilot - READ NOW
After a giant robot teleports into the middle of his pizza parlour, sixteen-year-old Stan London assembles a crew of fellow high-schoolers to figure out how it got there, and how to get rid of it, before his boss gets back. However, they find that what they're dealing with could be a danger to the entire universe. You can read the issue online here.
Volume 1 | Issue 2
Dungeons, Dragons, and David Duchovny - READ NOW
When Stan and Tricia get wormholed into another time period, it's up to Rachel, Sandeep and Vince to figure out how to get them back. This issue was never finished, but you can read the script to the issue here.