Friday, September 21, 2012

Sketch: The Tree

This piece was suggested by Joey Han. His original Tweet was " Hey John! You should draw me. Me hiding in a tree. That'd be cool." So I drew him in a tree, but then I drew tons of other stuff in the tree. So I ended up creating a great big tree of comics, geek culture, puns, and other odd things.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Rabbit and Robot: The End?

I'd like to start this post with a question. How many of you actually like Rabbit and Robot?

Anyone? No?

Well, me neither.

I mean, it started as a fun little improvised experiment. But it got boring sometime around #13. So I've decided to end it, right at the climax, with an ink shortage as a good cover-up story.

As for all you "Rabbit and Robot buffs" (I say jokingly, as there are none of you), you can always go back and read the story at the Rabbit and Robot page! And if you demand a resolution, just say so in the comments.

I'll start a new webcomic soon, so keep lookout!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Rabbit and Robot #22

Here is the twenty-second installment of the improvised series. Need to catch up? You can read all of the Rabbit and Robot posts here.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Rabbit and Robot #21

Here is the twenty-first installment of the improvised series. Need to catch up? You can read all of the Rabbit and Robot posts here.

P.S. If you think the lettering and art look terrible, it's because I need sharper nib pens. That way I'll have more control, and smoother, thinner lines.