Sunday, December 2, 2012

December News

It's December! A new month has come, and hopefully it will be a more interesting month (blogwise) than the previous month! Actually, I'm pretty positive that it will be, because I've got quite a bit of things planned this time around.

I'm almost ready to start my Sci-Fi webcomic! I've finished the first script, save a few names, and I've got all my materials ready (14'' by 17'' bristol paper, some new nib pens, a full bottle of ink). All I need to do, besides coming up with a name for the series, is… actually drawing it!

I have a few new types of blogposts that you'll see a bit of this month. The first are stories, which I talked about in my previous post. The second is something so incredibly amazing, I'm not going to even say what it is. But it involves my friend Zack Wright.

Lastly, I've decided that I'll do sketches by request from all of you readers. You can make a request via commenting on this blog, Twitter, or any of my other social networking accounts (see my About page). I'll even put your name on the post, to make you happy.

So, yeah, I appologize for only writing 3 posts (new record!) last month. But this month, I'll be sure to keep posting. Stay tuned!