Sunday, March 25, 2012

Rabbit and Robot #4

Sorry about last week, but here it is! The fourth installment of the improv comic Rabbit and Robot!

Just how improvised is it, though? Well, let's put it this way. When I took out a blank piece of paper, I asked myself "What the heck does the Burrowing Animal Association do, anyway?" So I made Rabbit ask the groundhog. The groundhog said the first word that came into my mind: "Anti-Predator". But wait - in the last comic I had a fox working with them, so that wouldn't make sense! So that fifth panel, that's me trying to think of an answer. I couldn't think of one, so I had a giant fist come and smash the desk in half. Then I thought it would be cool if the fist was made of the ground!

This comic just gets stranger and stranger.